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Mr. Barton W. Marcois

Director, the Board of Directors

Mr. Barton W. Marcois

He is the international policy advisor to Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham. He also serves as Chief Operating Officer of a $20 million budget and a 120-person staff of senior policy analysts to formulate U.S. domestic and international energy security policy


Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs, U.S. Department of Energy

• International policy advisor to Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham

• Chief Operating Officer of a $20 million budget and a 120-person staff of senior policy analysts to formulate U.S. domestic and international energy security policy

• Managed the creation of the new Office of National Energy Policy

• Security clearances at TS/SCI/Q and codeword levels.


Public Affairs Advisor to Government of Kuwait in Washington, DC

• Created and implemented a nationwide public diplomacy campaign to educate Americans on the strength and importance of the U.S.-Kuwaiti alliance. The campaign combined a strategically targeted national grassroots communications program, advertising, and earned media with a robust presence in Washington, DC policy circles.

• Conducted legislative and political analysis to identify key Members of Congress to educate on the importance of the U.S.-Kuwait alliance and on the threat posed by Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.

• Focused a public and private education campaign on the congressional districts of selected Members and staff.

• Produced a unified, bipartisan consensus that Kuwait was a valuable ally that was worth defending and consulting to craft U.S. regional policy.

Foreign Service Officer, U.S. State Department

• Public Affairs Officer at U.S. Embassies in Jordan, Tunisia, Yemen and Kuwait.

• Managed U.S. public diplomacy programs, conducting political analysis in the Middle East and Washington, DC.  Fluent in Arabic, Dutch; familiar with French, Spanish.

• Assisted the development of civil society, the rule of law, and democratic institutions in the context of Islamic societies.

• Security clearances at TS/SCI/codeword level.


Leadership Institute faculty, teaching Foreign Service Exam preparation.

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