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Mr. Ralph L. Cwerman


Mr. Ralph L. Cwerman

A leader in the field of international education and has spent the last three decades working at the United Nations and implementing unique solutions to difficult humanitarian problems around the world.


Ralph Cwerman is a leader in the field of international education and has spent the last three decades working at the United Nations and implementing unique solutions to difficult humanitarian problems around the world. He has removed landmines from over 22 million square meters of heavily contaminated land in Asia and Africa. He developed school feeding programs that provided food to over 50,000 vulnerable children in some of the poorest countries around the world and has built schools and medical clinics all over the developing world. Currently, he is Chairman of the American Global Consulting group (AGC), a strategic consulting firm dedicated to upgrading the level of education in the Arabian Gulf. AGC is the parent company of the Union Training Center. Mr. Cwerman established the School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University, one of the only existing graduate programs in the United States exclusively focused on UN and multilateral issues. He also worked closely with the entire network of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in the U.S. to help HBCU students gain a more comprehensive perspective on international affairs. Mr. Cwerman has led dozens of international fact-finding missions for hundreds of Members of Congress and their senior staff to UN Headquarters for private briefings and to different hot spots around the world. Mr. Cwerman also worked in the private sector as a senior executive of MUUS Asset Management Company LLC, a privately owned investment firm specializing in solar energy enterprises. He also served on the Export-Import Bank’s prestigious “Sub-Sahara Africa Committee.” He conceived and edited the annual publication “How to Do Business with the United Nations: A Complete Guide to UN Procurement” and its “Annual Updates”. Mr. Cwerman is a graduate of Columbia University and lives in New York City where he heads up the U.S. office of American Global Consulting, Inc.

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